Short Film Re-Make

Our Re-make                                                            Original

For this task, we had to re-create a 40 second short film. Acting could have been better, but in terms of cinematography, it's pretty accurate. We attempted to add in some special FX to create a more dynamic feeling and to add more suspense. I believe it worked for some areas, but not so much for other sections. However, I am pleased with our final outcome considering we spent 2 hours on this task. We kept a majority of the cinematography, except they were slightly more static than the original film due to the fact that we filmed in a small corridor. We had to adapt the mise-en-scene to a school environment, so wearing school clothes, walking down a corridor, and creating a whole school vibe. Editing we tried to keep as similar as the original as possible, but we had to shorten the running away part simply due to how long the corridor was.


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