
Showing posts from September, 2019

Where am I at?

My current idea is to create a documentary on Urban Exploration, making it from the perspcetive of myself. Essentially, I want to make it quite a personal short film and bring in my own experiences and document my journey through this hobby and how it's changed me. I could use some archived footage I have from early on in my exploring life and could use comparisons between then and now to demonstrate progress. I'm thinking I could use some dialogue or narration over the documentary, but I'm still deciding whether it would compliment the visuals and if it should be me or someone else etc. I also want to be more ambitious with the cinematography choices I make and really show off my camera skills.

Short Film Re-Make

Our Re-make                                                            Original For this task, we had to re-create a 40 second short film. Acting could have been better, but in terms of cinematography, it's pretty accurate. We attempted to add in some special FX to create a more dynamic feeling and to add more suspense. I believe it worked for some areas, but not so much for other sections. However, I am pleased with our final outcome considering we spent 2 hours on this task. We kept a majority of the cinematography, except they were slightly more static than the original film due to the fact that we filmed in a small corridor. We had to adapt the mise-en-scene to a school environment, so wearing school clothes, walking down a corridor, and creating a whole school vibe. Editing we tried to keep as similar as the original as possible,...